



Achieve your whole-life wellness.

Gain the knowledge and tools to help you meet your base needs, find love, belonging, achieve self-actualization, and grow your esteem. 


Maslow's Hierarchy of Motivation & the 8 aspects of wellness:

Base needs and safety

Love and belonging


Self actualization

Personal growth


Durnell studio

Our Goals

In an endeavor to promote personal wellness around the globe, Durnell Studio strives to provide inspiration and guidance for continued improvement throughout life. Living a dynamic life, full of breadth, and balancing the aspects of life leads towards elevated happiness.

Our Method

By showing you the aspects of life that commonly fulfill human desire, (following the psychological philosophy of A.H.Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs') we give you the knowledge you need to make educated steps forward in your own development. We also provide tips, tricks, and ideas for ways you can implement growth in areas you may feel the need to establish or improve.